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How to Use and Interpret the Loyalty Program Performance Report

Cameron Smith

Running a successful ecommerce business requires understanding your customers and their buying behaviors. One effective way to measure customer loyalty and track the success of your loyalty program is through the Loyalty Program Performance Report. In this article, we will explain what the report is, how to use it, and how to interpret the data to make informed business decisions.

What is the Loyalty Program Performance Report?

The Loyalty Program Performance Report in the Shopify analytics dashboard provides valuable insights on the performance and effectiveness of your loyalty program. It allows you to track key metrics related to customer loyalty, such as repeat purchase rate, average order value, and the number of customers enrolled in your loyalty program. This report helps you understand how well your loyalty program is engaging customers and driving repeat purchases.

How to Access the Loyalty Program Performance Report

To access the Loyalty Program Performance Report, log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to the Analytics section. Under the Reports tab, select “Loyalty Program” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the Loyalty Program Performance Report where you can view all the relevant data.

Key Metrics to Analyze in the Report

Repeat Purchase Rate: The repeat purchase rate metric shows the percentage of customers who make repeat purchases within a specific time period. A high repeat purchase rate indicates that customers are loyal and engaged with your brand.

Average Order Value: The average order value metric helps you understand how much customers are spending on each purchase. By analyzing this metric, you can determine if your loyalty program is encouraging customers to spend more.

Customer Enrollment: This metric shows the number of customers who have enrolled in your loyalty program. Tracking this metric over time can help you evaluate the success of your marketing efforts to attract new program members.

Redemptions and Points Earned: The redemptions and points earned metric indicates how often customers are redeeming their loyalty rewards, as well as the total number of points earned by customers. By analyzing this metric, you can assess the effectiveness of your rewards program and make adjustments as needed.

Interpreting the Loyalty Program Performance Report

Identifying Trends: Look for trends in the data by comparing metrics over different time periods. Are there any spikes or dips in repeat purchase rates or average order values? Identifying trends can help you pinpoint what marketing initiatives or changes may have influenced customer loyalty.

Comparing Segments: Segment your customers based on various factors such as location, age, or purchase frequency, and compare their loyalty program engagement. This can help you identify which customer segments are the most loyal and which may need additional incentives to engage with your program.

Benchmarking: Compare your loyalty program performance to industry benchmarks or your own historical data. This will provide context and help you understand how well your program is performing compared to others.

A/B Testing: Use the data from the Loyalty Program Performance Report to conduct A/B tests on different aspects of your loyalty program. For example, you could test different rewards or redemption options to see which ones drive the highest repeat purchase rates or customer enrollment.

Actionable Insights from the Report

Based on the data and analysis from the Loyalty Program Performance Report, you can take the following actions to optimize your loyalty program and drive customer loyalty:

Improve Communication: If the number of enrollments is low, consider improving your communication strategy to promote the benefits of your loyalty program. Use email marketing or targeted messaging to reach out to customers and highlight the perks of joining.

Increase Reward Value: If your average order value is low, try increasing the value of your rewards. This can incentivize customers to spend more to earn the rewards, resulting in higher average order values.

Encourage Redemption: If customers are not redeeming their loyalty rewards frequently, consider introducing time-limited offers or exclusive promotions to encourage them to redeem their points. This can increase overall program engagement and repeat purchases.

Personalize Rewards: Segment your customers based on their purchase history or preferences and customize the rewards they receive. Personalization can make customers feel valued and increase their loyalty to your brand.


The Loyalty Program Performance Report provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your loyalty program. By analyzing key metrics and trends, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your program and drive customer loyalty. Use the report to identify areas for improvement, experiment with different strategies, and personalize the customer experience to keep customers engaged and coming back for more.

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